“Great” Mass in C minor (K. 427)
Thomas Wikman, Music Director and Conductor
Chicago’s Music of the Baroque
Patrice Michaels, soprano. Karen Brunssen, mezzo-soprano.
William Watson, tenor. Myron Myers, bass
Collection Seven, Vol. 1
Kyrie 0:00
Christe eleison 1:58
Kyrie eleison 4:17
Gloris in excelsis deo 5:48
Laudamus te 8:17
Gratias agimus tibi 13:19
Domine Deus 14:27
Qui tollis peccata mundi 17:20
Quonium tu solus sanctus 22:21
Jesu Christe, cum sancto spiritu 26:23
Credo 31:08
Et incarnates est 34:40
Sanctus 42:52
Osanna 44:20
Ave, verum Corpus
Ave verum corpus, natum
de Maria Virgine,
vere passum, immolatum
in cruce pro homine
cuius latus perforatum
fluxit aqua et sanguine:
esto nobis praegustatum
in mortis examine.
O Iesu dulcis, O Iesu pie,
O Iesu, fili Mariae.
Miserere mei. Amen.
Hail, true Body, born
of the Virgin Mary
having truly suffered, sacrificed
on the cross for mankind,
from whose pierced side
water and blood flowed:
Be for us a foretaste [of the Heavenly banquet]
in the trial of death!
O sweet Jesus, O holy Jesus,
O Jesus, son of Mary,
have mercy on me. Amen.
Laudate Dominum
Thomas Wikman, Music Director and Conductor
Chicago’s Music of the Baroque
Patrice Michaels, soprano
Collection Eight, Vol. 9
Praise the Lord, all nations;
Praise Him, all people.
For He has bestowed
His mercy upon us,
And the truth of the Lord endures forever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and forever,
shall be world without end.
Beginning of the Mozart Requiem
Introitus: Requiem; Kyrie; Dies Irae
Thomas Wikman, Music Director and Conductor
Tamara Matthews, soprano
Chorus & Orchestra of Chicago’s Music of the Baroque
Collection Four, Vol. 3
Introit: Requiem
Requiem aeternam dona eis,
Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,
et tibi reddetur votum in
Exaudi orationem meam,
ad te omnis care veniet.
Requiem aeternam dona eis,
Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Dies irae Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla, teste
David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando judex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus!